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provide online repository of documents and forms

Every college, department, and organization has a slew of documents and forms. There is currently no standard repository of these documents, which makes downloading them either impossible (because they aren't online at all) or extremely difficult (because there is no standardized organizational structure provided). Moreover, there is no revision control system in place to track historical changes.

Fortunately, revison control repositories aren't a new technology--just something UCF has failed to impliment thus far.

Good revision control repository projects such as Subversion can provide annonymous read-only, Internet-accessible subrepository of all documents for each department and organization at UCF. As the documents are updated, version numbers are automatically assigned, and all changes tracked. You can even `diff` 2 revisions to see what and who made each change on a line-by-line basis.

UCF should start organizing their rules, regulations, statues, and forms in a standardized repository to make it easier for students to find the information they need without picking up a phone or jumping from building-to-building, office-to-office on campus. The automatic revsion control would eliminate the burdon of keeping track of changes and historical document versions, while maintaining visibility into previous changes and the reasons for their change.

Michael Altfield , 26.01.2011, 13:26
Idea status: under consideration


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