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A few complaints about the Marketplace

Stop remodeling it every summer. Seriously. Spend that money bringing the food quality up to that of Knightro's, not making the place sleek-looking for the first month of the semester.

The soft-serve machine is broken or empty 3 out of 5 times I go, and if it works it's nowhere near as good as Knightro's.

Get rid of that awful "nook" area that's wasting space with couches. I need a table to eat, and even if no tables are available, eating out of my lap is not an option. No one goes to a cafeteria to read. That Coke machine's novelty is going to wear off.

Can we get a fruit bar? Not just that bin in the salad station that occasionally has watermelon rinds, I mean a dedicated fruit bar. There was one before the remodeling...

If we can't get a fruit bar, can we at least get better-quality oranges and apples? The oranges are 90% pulp and 4% seed. One is hard-pressed to find an apple that is not soft or spotty or leathery-peeled.

And just in general: I know UCF is going for diversity, but could the menu be less "exotic?" I don't want Bulgarian beet-and-goat stew, I want a burger. At least some of the time.

Hogan Bernreuter , 15.10.2011, 00:07
Idea status: under consideration


Gregory Sanchez, 15.10.2011, 03:48
Don't forget the pizza. It's a rare event to get a slice of pizza that isn't burnt itself or covered in the charred remains of every other unfortunate thing to go through that oven. In the rare event you DO find an unburned slice, it's usually 4 inches of crust and 3 inches of toppings. Pizza sauce should also be somewhat sweet, not acidic like it is now.

Also, who do we talk to to change the channel on the TVs? I loved the beginning of this year; the right side had a more social atmosphere with sports on while the left had a quiet, relaxed feel with the news. Now it's all football, all the time.
sebastian, 15.10.2011, 08:46
There is a lot of frivolity when it comes to the marketplace. that nook area is COMPLETELY useless, I have never seen anyone in there ever. A fruit bar would be great, and they've remodeled that place every summer I've been there so far. Just do it right and leave it, the school can much better use that money for other things, like filling up President Hitt's pocket.

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